
Board of Directors


Steve King

Hazen and Sawyer
Two Chase Corporate Drive, Suite 170
Birmingham, AL 35244


Spencer Tuell

Gulf Coast Underground LLC
5655 Middle Rd
Theodore, AL 36582


Jeremy Creel

Jefferson County Commission
3900 Veona Daniels Road
Birmingham, AL 35203


Edward Smith

Jim Myers & Sons, Inc.
Birmingham, AL


Virgil White

City of Athens Utilities
Post Office Box 1089
Athens, AL 35612-1089

Executive Secretary

Kimberly Polifka

The Cassady Company, Inc.
4700 Highway 69 North
Northport, AL 35473


Matt Alpaugh

Jefferson County ESD
716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N Ste A300
Birmingham, AL 35203


Tina Sheikhzeinoddin

Hazen and Sawyer
Two Chase Corporate Dr Ste 170
Birmingham, AL 35244

Past President

Wes Cardwell

5125-A Research Dr NW
Huntsville, AL 35805

Administrative Assistant

Holley Mabury

The University of Alabama
13544 Telmar Lane
Northport, AL 35475

Advisory Committee

Chairperson: Tom Harwell ([email protected])

Liaison: Wes Cardwell ([email protected])

The Advisory Committee provides additional insight to the AWEA Executive Board.  The committee serves the board by ensuring that decisions are made with the strategic plan in mind.  The committee provides the slate of officers for the next year, as well as the candidate(s) for induction into 5S.

Primary Activities

The Advisory Committee shall serve to advise the board in a discretionary manner. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Reviews organizational plans to ensure it is in line with the strategic plan.
  2. Provides information from experience and communications with other MAs.
  3. Works with the President and Vice President to determine the outline for strategic planning events.
  4. Serves as directed by the board in the advisory position.
  5. Serves the Association in a policy advisory role. Recommendations shall be presented to the board to be implemented by the respective committees.
  6. Meets as often as necessary to nominate the slate of officers and presents the names of the nominees to the board by written report no later than the board meeting at the Annual Conference, and no later than the board meeting immediately preceding the Water Environment Federation Annual Conference for nomination of the Delegate. The committee will strive to nominate at least one newcomer each year, and all nominees shall be capable and willing to serve if asked.
  7. Recommends to the board candidates for Water Environment Federation Awards.
  8. Advises the board to ensure consistency with the By-Laws of the Association.
  9. Reviews proposed policy for conformance with By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation.
  10. Reviews changes in Federation By-Laws for incorporation on the Association level, if appropriate.

Officer/Director Liaison

The President will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for the Advisory Committee. The Past President shall serve as chairman of the Advisory Committee.

Advocacy Committee

Chairpersons: Wheeler Crook ([email protected]) / Matt Alpaugh ([email protected])

Liaison: Tom Harwell ([email protected])

The Advocacy Committee keeps the board informed of impending federal, state, and local legislation that may be introduced, or that is being actively considered, in the various legislative bodies that could influence the water quality industry.  The committee advocates for collaboration with other entities that have similar missions.  The committee promotes AWEA.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing impending legislation, with a recommendation for further action by the Association, if appropriate.
  2. Serves as a liaison for federal, state, and local legislators who may require technical information for impending legislation that may affect the water quality industry.
  3. Serves as the principal contact to federal and state legislators for the Association.
  4. Serves as the principal contact to federal and state legislators for any Association Government Affairs Seminars, workshops, and other meetings that may require the legislators’ attendance, and encourages their attendance by writing letters and making phone calls or personal visits.
  5. Serves as a liaison for AWEA with AWWI.

Officer/Director Liaison

The Past President will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for the Advocacy Committee.

Annual Conference Committee

Chairperson: Steve King ([email protected])


The purpose of this committee is to plan the Annual Conference, which consists of the technical program, social functions, exhibits, funding and other activities related to the annual conference.

Primary Activities

The Vice-President shall chair the committee. The committee shall organize the Annual Conference. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.
  2. Solicits proposals from venues for hosting the annual conference. Reviews proposals and makes recommendation to the board for proposal acceptance.
  3. Develops conference program and schedule, including scheduling WEF representative and keynote speaker, as well as format of opening session.
  4. Secures commitments from speakers and communicates with speakers regarding requirements for presentations, such as length and format, hardware and software requirements, etc.
  5. Coordinates exhibits.
  6. Coordinates social activities including sports, entertainment, and other programs for registrants and guests.
  7. Recommends fees for attendees and exhibitors.
  8. Maintains records of the conference. Provides summary evaluation of conference activities, including income and expenditures, to the incoming Vice-President.
  9. Develops roles for board and Annual Conference Committee.

Officer/Director Liaison

The Vice President, as the Committee Chairman, will also serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for the Annual Conference Committee.

Sponsorship Committee

Chairperson: Hal Humphrey ([email protected])

Liaison: Spencer Tuell ([email protected])

The purpose of the Sponsorship Committee is to coordinate the sponsorship money collected annually which is utilized for various activities, such as education and training, workshops, annual conference, operations, etc.

Primary Activities

The Sponsorship Committee shall coordinate the solicitation of sponsorship money annually. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Reviews sponsorship monies collected from prior years.
  2. Sets sponsorship goals for the upcoming year based on budgetary needs.
  3. Reviews and updates the master sponsorship contact list including contact name, email, phone, and address.
  4. Reviews and updates the sponsorship form in preparation for distribution.
  5. Sends out a sponsorship letter (signed by AWEA Pres) and form to each potential sponsor on list.
  6. Determines cut-off date for receipt of sponsorships so that T-shirts, signs, etc. can be printed prior to event/conference.
  7. Tracks receipt of sponsorships, provides information to the board prior to meetings regarding status of sponsorship monies received, and places logos of sponsors in appropriate folders on AWEA OneDrive account. Coordinates printing of signs for annual conference.
  8. Requests board/committees to make calls/emails to past sponsors thanking them for past participation and alerting them of cutoff date.

Officer/Director Liaison

The Treasurer will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for the Sponsorship Committee.

Member Services Committee

Liaison:  Shane Cook ([email protected])

The purpose of the Member Services Committee is to provide services that enhance the experience of participating in the Association.  The committee shall provide member support and foster communication.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities that shall be the responsibility of this committee are as follows:

  1. Develops and implements plans to engage water professionals. Develops and implements methods to effectively recognize the achievements of water professionals, businesses, and innovation in the water sector in our state.
  2. Oversees the Scholarship Program, including but not limited to, the funds, notification of universities/schools, and recipients of scholarships.  This shall operate as a subcommittee to the Member Services Committee.
  3. Provides membership accountability and member recruiting.  This shall operate as a subcommittee to the Member Services Committee.
  4. Provides a communications plan and implements internal and external communication tactics for the organization.  Communications shall include but not be limited to email, web presence, social media, publications, etc. Responsible for the AWEA publication content and coordination efforts. This shall operate as a subcommittee to the Member Services Committee.

Officer/Director Liaison

The Secretary will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

Young Professionals/Student Committee

Chairperson:  Tina Sheikhzeinoddin ([email protected])

Co-Chair:  vacant

Liaison: Shane Cook ([email protected])

The purpose of the Young Professionals/Student Committee is to recruit, engage, and retain young professional and student members for the AWEA.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities that shall be the responsibility of this committee are as follows:

  1. Develops and implements plans to engage young water professionals and students, including collaboration with colleges and universities.
  2. Develops and implements methods to effectively recognize the achievements of young water professionals and students in our state.
  3. Assists with the Scholarship Program, including but not limited to, the funds, notification of universities/schools, and recipients of scholarships.
  4. Organizes YP and student events throughout the year, including at the Annual Conference.

Officer/Director Liaison

The Secretary will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

Education and Training Committee

Chairperson:  Stephen Daly ([email protected])

Liaison:  Jeremy Creel ([email protected])

The purpose of the Education and Training Committee is to coordinate and assist in planning seminars or workshops in conjunction with other committees to meet the needs of AWEA and anyone concerned with water quality management.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.
  2. Conducts programs and distributes information to the Association and the general public regarding the water environment.
  3. Contacts committee chairs routinely to determine needs of the individual committees in educational outreach (e.g., selection of meeting sites and distribution of program announcements).
  4. Maintains calendar of events of additional outreach activities (i.e. One Drive Calendar) and provides summary of upcoming events to the board prior to meetings.

5. Oversees and provides internal communication between all committees that provide outreach, education and training, including but not limited to, the Collection System Committee and Wastewater Treatment Operations Committee.

6. Assists the treasurer with collecting data from training events to develop models for generating revenue where desirable, or at minimum, meeting cost neutral objectives.

7. Plans and directs a mid-year technical conference in a dynamic location for outreach.

Officer/Director Liaison

The PWOD will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

Wastewater Treatment Operations Committee

Chairpersons: Virgil White ([email protected])

Liaison:  Jeremy Creel ([email protected])

The purpose of the Wastewater Treatment Operations Committee is to provide information to the membership regarding improvements and current issues in the areas of wastewater treatment and operations.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.
  2. Sponsors workshops, conferences, and technical sessions.
  3. Coordinates events with the Education and Training Committee Chair.
  4. Identifies speakers and topics pertaining to collection systems for use in the annual conference technical program.
  5. Sponsors programs for continuing education credits when applicable.
  6. Gathers, prepares, and disseminates information through the Member Association.
  7. Submits at least one article for publication in The Wave, annually.

Officer/Director Liaison

The PWOD will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

Collection Systems Committee

Chairperson:  Tad Powell ([email protected]) 

Liaison:  Jeremy Creel ([email protected])

The purpose of the Collection Systems Committee is to provides information to the membership regarding improvements and current issues in the areas of collection systems, such as asset management, sanitary sewer overflows, management, operations, maintenance, etc.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.
  2. Sponsors workshops, conferences, and technical sessions.
  3. Coordinates events with the Education and Training Committee Chair.
  4. Identifies speakers and topics pertaining to collection systems for use in the annual conference technical program.
  5. Sponsors programs for continuing education credits when applicable.
  6. Gathers, prepares, and disseminates information through the Member Association.
  7. Submits at least one article for publication in The Wave, annually.

Officer/Director Liaison

The PWOD will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

Stormwater Committee

Committee is Currently Inactive

Recognizing the importance of a broad analysis of the water environment, the Stormwater  Committee was formed to provide information to the AWEA membership regarding current issues related to the watershed and water quality.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.
  2. Sponsors workshops, conferences, and technical sessions.
  3. Coordinates events with the Education and Training Committee Chair.
  4. Identifies speakers and topics pertaining to stormwater issues for use in the annual conference technical program.
  5. Sponsors programs for continuing education credits when applicable.
  6. Gathers, prepares, and disseminates information through the Member Association.
  7. Sets goals and seeks to utilize WEF resources to promote stormwater within the organization.
  8. Seeks to partner and collaborates with other organizations regarding stormwater when beneficial to AWEA.
  9. Submits at least one article for publication in The Wave, annually.

Officer/Director Liaison

The PWOD will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

FOG Committee

Committee is Currently Inactive

The purpose of the FOG Committee is to provide information to the membership regarding improvements and current issues in the areas of FOG.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

1.  Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.

2.  Sponsors workshops, conferences, and technical sessions.

3. Coordinates events with the Education and Training Committee Chair.

4. Identifies speakers and topics pertaining to collection systems for use in the annual conference technical program.

5. Sponsors programs for continuing education credits when applicable.

6. Gathers, prepares, and disseminates information through the Member Association.

7. Submits at least one article for publication in The Wave, annually.

Officer/Director Liaison

The PWOD will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.

WEFMAX Planning Committee

Liaisons: Wheeler Crook ([email protected]) / Matt Alpaugh ([email protected])

The purpose of the WEFMAX Planning Committee is to plan the WEFMAX event when scheduled for Alabama. The next Alabama WEFMAX is scheduled for 2019 and occurs approximately every 10 years.

Primary Activities

The Committee Chairman, as appointed by the President, will recruit committee officers and members as appropriate to carry out the duties of this committee.  Other activities include the following:

  1. Submits written reports to the board summarizing committee activities.
  2. Coordinates the WEFMAX with the appropriate committees, the WEF Delegate and WEF representatives.
  3. Identifies speakers and topics pertaining to the WEFMAX.
  4. Determines venue and setting for all WEFMAX activities.
  5. Develops a budget such that the board does not incur losses.
  6. Attends WEFMAX conference calls and disseminates information provided during calls to the board.
  7. Attends one WEFMAX event each year prior to hosting for two years.
  8. Attends one Leadership training event at WEFTEC.

Officer/Director Liaison

The WEF Delegate will serve as the Officer/Director Liaison for this committee.